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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0593c74.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  131KB  |  614x368  |  8-bit (233 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | chat room | grandstand | monitor | poster | sky | window
OCR: MONEY FUND YIELDS STAY THE COURSE AS MARKETS SLUMBER With interest rates tecalmed. money funds yielded 2.7% in March, the sane as Fehruary Soothad b Federal Raserie chairman Alan Greenspan assiranes that inflation will remain cubdued manager: generally kept their funds average maturity at the long end u their cus tomary 61 -to 30-day range Drevfus Basic [ed al morer funds with a 3.5 seven-day compounded yield. seen-day compoun I vield i yield Flve-year Minimum T inilin Ranked by highest yield April March Harch hon Telephont TAXABLE Dreyfus Basic MM' $25,00 803-782 -6620 Aetna Moner Market! 1.020 800-367-7732 Olde Premium Plus 66 25,0:0 801-872-6533 4 RIMCO Monument Prime 5,0.0 800.932 3583 Pacific Horizon Prime Value' 1,00 8*0.332 3563 U.S. GOVERNMENT ISSUES Unlted Sves Government Securiti ...